About Me

I'm an historian and sociologist of science, technology, and economics and assistant professor at La Salle - Ramon Llull University where I co-direct the Observatory of Quantum Technologies and teach across Economics and Science and Technology Studies (STS) courses.

Technology. Economics. Science.

My work explores the long history of computation and calculation, encompassing the economic, social and political forces that have shaped - and been shaped by - their development.

The aim of my work is to provide a long-range structural perspective on the social, political and economic dynamics of major technological projects of the 21st century but with close attention to the experiences of those who built and managed those systems.

My research has focused on range of technological projects, including the development of 18th and 19th century European timekeeping technologies, the construction of major inland waterways and dockyards, the mechanisation of computing, and the development of quantum technologies in the 21st century.

I am from Wales and have a PhD and MPhil in the History of Science and Technology from the University of Cambridge. Before joining Ramon Llull University, I researched and taught at the University of Cambridge, Ruskin College-Oxford, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.